Anna: How can I create a context that helps to work “contemporarily” ? What is the stimulation between context and organization?
Inge: What are these structures (context and organization)? How to think them with an utopian thinking?
Michael: What role played the participants propositions in the afternoons during the Academy (The kind of structures of relations)?
Hyunsin Kim: What are the key words (of contemporaneity, or the Academy) like the ones proposed by Pirko?
Kareth: Do we agree with the key words Pirko proposed?
Anna Caroline: How to understand the different aspects of the mornings (of the Academy)? What can the approaches and methodologies bring? Map them.
Costas: What does Contemporary consist of? How does it originate? What are its properties? What can it do? What are the ways contemporary culture conceives and constructs its present and its notions of presentness in performative terms?
Lesley: What are some of the tasks that artists are busy with?
Stefanie: What is no contemporary? What is the border? Is everything that claims to be contemporary, contemporary? Maybe find something out from our practices? Is there something in the machines created together that is contemporary? Do we need a strong subject to be critical?
Jens: What are the similarity between the 15 practices that could indicate a contemporary quality? How to find a new definition of contemporaneity that would separate us from the term used for example with people from Steps Festival (Epochal aspect of the term).
Allison: How to perform to audience of another field than contemporary dance?
Annalisa: What can we do with the concept of contemporaneity as an ecological field ? What is its connection with the singular practices?
Eirini: Description of everyone last work in two or three sentences.
Diego: How to produce or find a desire to do something in a collective? How to actualize desires (concerns) without only being reactionary toward what the media shows about the world? What are the strategies to deal with the precarious quality of the dance profession?
Peter: Concept/Terminology/Reflection. Economy. Aesthetic. Crisis of contemporary, something that is not more.