Yesterday I had an interesting encounter with Spotify. As probably many of you did as well, I was presented with the option of allowing access to my confidential information stored in Spotify in my keychain. Because of the three buttons ‘Always Allow’, ‘Deny’ and ‘Allow’, I naively assumed this was optional. And it may be, but it won’t let you make this choice. Try it. For about ten minutes, every time I clicked ‘Deny’, this window came again and again. Until I got impatient and wanted to choose ‘Allow’ which means allow once. Not even that is possible, it will keep popping up. So the only way it will leave you be in peace is if you choose ‘Always Allow’.
Now of course you have the option to then just stop using Spotify. (Un-) Fortunately, the service they provide is amasing. And the price you pay is your personal information it seems.