Group: PeaNutButter CATs
Name of the group: PeaNutButter CATs
Why we chose this name: because it makes sense
Li Wun Hang Benson (Sound Design at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)
Liu Pengpeng (Directing Drama at Shanghai Theatre Academy)
Andrina Bollinger (Jazz/Vocal at Zurich University of the Arts)
Wong Kai Man Teresa (MFA Theatre Production/Sound/Music Director at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)
Noemi Egloff (Dramaturgy at Zurich University of the Arts)
Chanel Ariel (Acting at LASALLE Arts College, Singapore)
Ng (Ricardo) Chi Fai (Arts& Events Management at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)
Our keywords: CREATE and HOME
Idea: PeaNutButteR CAT
They managed to create limbs
They managed to create flesh
They even managed to create a sheep
can they create happiness?
Coming up next:
PeaNutButteR CAT presents…..
Can we create happiness? Find out more at our Local Store at 20 fort street, Hong Kong.
PeaNutButteR CAT is a research group working in the sanitary environment “H0m3”. In their latest creation, the mission is to try and explore the components of ARTificial HAPPIness and to test-drive the hypothesis that Happiness is a human-made thing and therefore can be created. Applying the use of chemistry, philosophy and psychological strategies, they serve to educate and enrich the members of the public.