Assembling Intelligence

Am 24. und 25. April findet in Genf am HEAD das “Assembling Intelligence Symposium” statt. Das Programm umfasst Talks, Panels und Workshops zu den Themen “Interdisciplinary Histories of AI”, “AI Intimacies”, “Creative Emancipation through Open Software” und “AI Materiality”. Das gesamte Programm findet sich hier.

Die Talks werden an beiden Tagen live gestreamt.
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Assembling Intelligence, a multidisciplinary symposium organised by HEAD – Genève (HES-SO), will bring together artists, designers, and researchers to highlight a spectrum of alternative definitions for ‘artificial intelligence’. The discussions will introduce much-needed diversity into the otherwise monochromatic and frequently cynical perspectives manifested in mainstream corporate AI models.

A series of talks, workshops, screenings, and performances will bring attention to overlooked intellectual histories of AI, explore intersections between popular culture and human-machine intimacy, look at open software as means for creative emancipation, and highlight diverse futures for our damaged planet by extrapolating from the material and environmental underpinnings of AI infrastructures.

Digital Pool and Research Institute for Art and Design (IRAD) at HEAD – Genève