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Monat: Oktober 2016

The world’s 15 biggest metropolitan areas

Half of humanity now lives in cities and within two decades, nearly 60 per cent of the world’s people will be urban dwellers,“ according to a UN Habitat study.

As cities expand into mega regions, there is a rapid growth in the population as well. Some of the world’s richest cities are also the most populous.

A report by McKinsey Global Institute says that India will have 68 cities by 2030 with a population of over 1 million, 13 cities with more than 4 million people, and 6 megacities with populations of 10 million or more.Here’s a list of the world’s 15 biggest metropolitan areas, according to Allianz Knowledge.


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Seoul City’s social innovation strategy: A model of multi-channel communication to strengthen governance and citizen engagement.

Over the past two years, Seoul Metropolitan Government has significantly changed the way it engages with its citizens – moving away from a one-way public communication model towards a system with greater focus on getting citizens more involved in decision-making process. Seoul Metropolitan Government has developed various communication channels that open up two-way dialogue between the city administration and citizens. This research paper explores how these new communication channels are creating a culture, which encourages city administration to engage with citizens who provide information about their needs and help shape new ideas. The research results show that Seoul Metropolitan Government’s multi-channel communication builds shared understanding and trusting relationship among various stakeholders including citizens. It enables them to become partners in co-creating innovative solutions to problems of our society.

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