Francisco Peier
Francisco Peier/Zurich University of the Arts /Industrial Design
Francisco Peier/Zurich University of the Arts /Industrial Design
Zurich University of the Arts, Bachelor of Design, Visual Communication
Johanna Scheurer ZHdK BA Style&Design -Trends, Concept Design, Cultural Studies
Larissa Holaschke ZHdK | MA Design | Field of Excellence Event
I am working on my Master’s in Design and Communication at the Zurich University of the Arts. My Master’s project…
ZHdK M.A Field of Excellence Interaction – Game Design I grew up in Bern, influenced by my Spanish roots. My focus…
ZHdK Master Design Communication / Graphic Designer www.behance.net/tao1986
Industrial Designer / Grafik Designer Seit 2014 bei Formfabrik AG als Industrial Designerin und Grafikerin • Master in Arts Studium…
Zurich University of the Arts, Head of Department of Design | Media & Spatial Design My Websites hansuli.wordpress.com > pesonal site…
Zurich University of the Arts | Head of Master of Arts in Design, Industrial Designer by the heart. http://master.design.zhdk.ch http://www.formpol.ch…