Category: faculty


Zurich University of the Arts | Industrial Design I am working now for milani Design in Zurich my focus as…


1958 in Brno/Tschechische Republik geboren. Aufgewachsen in Prag, Brüssel und Basel. Studium der Germanistik, Englischen Literatur und Kunstwissenschaft in Basel…

Michael KROHN

Zurich University of the Arts | Head of Master of Arts in Design, Industrial Designer by the heart. http://master.design.zhdk.ch http://www.formpol.ch…

Jiao MO

D&I, Tongji University | Industrial Design my websites www.tongji-di.org www.mosmode.com my focus as a designer  life style and human behavior…

Francis MÜLLER

 Zurich University of the Arts | Master of Arts in Design | Lecturer for Design Research, Ethnography and Sociological Theories…


Srishti school of art,design and technology, Department of Textile Design http://texturedpatterns.blogspot.in Craft practices,Sustainable practices,  technology and Visual Artistic exploration My…

Hansuli MATTER

Zurich University of the Arts | Head of the Departmen Design | Media & Spatial Design My Websites hansuli.wordpress.com > pesonal…

Jie Greg SHEN

SHEN Jie (Greg) is the associate professor of Industrial Design Department at School of Design, Jiangnan University. He has been…