result : group003
team Xu Qian Ananya Singh Flavio Vogel documentation / presentation >final presentation Exploring…
team Xu Qian Ananya Singh Flavio Vogel documentation / presentation >final presentation Exploring…
team Rex Le Indrajeet Deshmukh Marielle Roth documentation / presentation >final presentation…
>> download presentations of Z+_roundtable as PDF
Group 007: Jiabei, Ankan, Chaitanya and Lukas working hard for the project and the final presentation 🙂
130721_moodboardclothes drying rack
Doesn`t it look the same?! The shape of India and the mountain “Matterhorn” of Switzerland? Our group created a nice…
CUTTING ART A traditional art called ‘découpage’ in French which brings paper images to life by using tiny scissors or…
after a very HOT tuesday afternoon, i learned the different concepts from each group. every group got their interesting point,…
The etymology of tradition has something to do with the concept of ‘surrender’; to surrender to something larger more, secure…