portrait (picture 150×150) my school | my discipline my websites http://weibo.com/u/3334553270?wvr=5&wvr=5&lf=reg my focus as a designer my motivation to take…
portrait (picture 150×150) my school | my discipline my websites http://weibo.com/u/3334553270?wvr=5&wvr=5&lf=reg my focus as a designer my motivation to take…
Jiangnan University | Industrial design http://renren.com/337210745/profile http://site.douban.com/165319/ my focus as a designer The use of traditional crafts to modern furniture…
portrait (picture 150×150) my school | my discipline my websites my focus as a designer my motivation to take part…
Zurich University of the Arts | Master of Arts in Design | Lecturer for Design Research, Ethnography and Sociological Theories…
When psychologist Richard E. Nisbett showed an animated underwater scene to his American students, they zeroed in on a big…
Srishti school of art,design and technology, Department of Textile Design http://texturedpatterns.blogspot.in Craft practices,Sustainable practices, technology and Visual Artistic exploration My…
Tongji University | Furnishing Design | Decoration Design my websites swimming coache : http://site.douban.com/168912/ linekdind : http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jessica-v-huang/17/490/274 my focus as a…
Zurich University of the Arts | Art Education my websites: https://www.facebook.com/camille.peiry.7?ref=tn_tnmn http://pinterest.com/pcams/ my focus as a teacher Get…
my school | my discipline I’ve studied and worked the National Institute of design, India’s premier design institute in the…
Zurich University of the Arts | Head of the Departmen Design | Media & Spatial Design My Websites hansuli.wordpress.com > pesonal…