
The idea of this project was to create a readable typeface that disapear with the movement of the body and become illegible. This «Metamorphosis» occurs with the movement, revealing and obcuring letters. The body is used as the material, but also guides the technique in the creation of this typeface.

Here, the destruction can be seen in the process, as the letters were created in order to disapear.

Forest Fire

As a natural point of view, I want to show that destruction is needed in order to have a circle of life. One could hardly conjure a better image of uninhibited destruction. Yet, rather unexpectedly, we find that some forest fires are actually an engine of growth. The pines and oaks that burn depend on the fire to release their seeds and enable regeneration. But there are others benefits from the fire. It reduces dead vegetation, minerals return to the soil, new growth is low to the ground and accessible to animals for food and burned area are suitable for new species of animals.

” In the creative act, as conceived by the moderns, destruction and creation are part and parcel of one and the same movement. There is no creation without destruction, nor, contrary to what people might have thought by regulary announcing the death of art, is there destruction without creation. The artist destroys in order to create, but concersely, we can also say that he creates in order to destroy. ”

– Catherine Grenier, Big Bang. Destruction et création dans l’art du xxe siècle, Centre Pompidou, Musée national d’art moderne-Centre de création industrielle, 2005.