Art & Architecture Project SAW. Project definition and presentation

Autumn semester 2018/19 |  For course details, please see here. Overview dates:



On Drawing. RMIT x ZHdK
HUI Gallery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2018 July |  Exhibition and collaborative work | ZHdK: Hanieh Jahangiri, Jiang Ziqi, Dominique Lämmli, Kathrin Maliszewski, Nicolas Rothenbühler, Esther Schena, Nathalie Stirnimann & Stefan Stojanovic, Gianluca Trifilo. RMIT: Irene Barberis, Louise Lee, Fatemah Abdullah M Alqahtani, Nick Curnow, Sarah Duyshart, Po Chung, Debra J. Marshall, Mohsen Meysami, Yiwon Park, Wilma Tabacco, Matthew Tsang Man Fu, Anne Scott Wilson.

Exhibition curator: Tam Wai Ping, CUHK
Guest curators: Irene Barberis, RMIT and Dominique Lämmli, ZHdK

Exhibition Cataloque „On Drawing. RMIT x ZHdK at the Art of CUHK–Invitational Exhibition 2018,“ 1–31 July 2018. New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Silkscreen and kitchen to high-end lithography

MA Fine Arts spring 2018 | Experimentations with printing techniques and applications on wall in the context of the art & architecture project SAW.

With Isabella Costabile, Hanieh Jahangiri, Dominique Lämmli, Kathrin Maliszewski, Nicolas Rothenbühler, Esther Schena, Gianluca Trifilo.

MA Fine Arts autumn 2017
Printing and digital experiments; collaborative painting sessions.

With Benini Stefano, Zehra Balca, Elena Hohl, Jiang Ziqi, Kathrin Maliszewski, Esther Schena, Dimitrina Sevova, Elza Sile, Patrick Sussmann.


Propädeutikum autumn 2017
Experimente mit Farbe, Licht und Bytes

With Yara Bhend, Yu Ting Chung, Luca Egloff, Andreas Fürer, Isabelle Handschin, Nora Hochuli, Mio Itschner, Ivana Jurisic, Tara Luty, Elly Maïkov, Patrizia Meier, Viviane Porret, M

eret Santschi, Arielle Tarzia, Thy Truong, Konstantin Zygas.

MA Fine Arts spring 2017

MATLAB at China Academy of Art Hangzhou, January 2017
Workshop, exhibition „Painting—Experiment“ at CAA art museum and performative/collaborative painting at the openings

BA Art & Media 2010