drowning in garbage Mit dem Thema Klimawandel ist sicherlich jeder schon einmal in Kontakt geraten, jedoch fällt das Interesse daran oftmals eher mager aus. Vor allem wird es in der jüngsten Generation wenig oder gar nicht thematisiert. Das Ziel… Read more ›
An ongoing exhibit in the Sydney LiveWorks festival asks a bold new question: can you save the earth by having sex with it? According to an interactive installation by performance artists Pony Express, maybe. At least, that’s the hope of ecosexuality,… Read more ›
What does sustainability mean to you? „Sustainability is building a world that works fairly for ALL people today as well as the children of tomorrow. Sustainability means equality in opportunity, in housing, education, healthcare, water, food, clothing and energy… Read more ›
“As a generation, the most important thing for us to do is to come together to speak about climate change. This is a massive responsibility that we have taken on, and we must act on it – we cannot just… Read more ›