another day in Toni

April 7th, 2015




in the space of just a few months, toni has become a second home to me. i wish i could spend more time here.








foot story: i love melanie’s socks and shoe combination.  she always has interesting clothing and accessories. if you are interested in seeing her artwork, check out her tumblr:



oliver also almost always has interesting shoes on.

obviously the lecture wasn’t super interesting if i took a picture of feet during it….




here i am: potted and planted and waiting to grow. today i swallowed my fear and asked the crew from Atlas if they needed an intern. unfortunately, they just had someone start yesterday. but i’m proud of myself for asking.






lecture doodles. i’m not happy about the dog, but the chicken is pretty cool. i started making random shapes and soon it became a chicken. why do i draw chickens? i don’t even like chickens. i have killed too many chickens in my life. i’m eating vegetarian as penance.

negative space was also a theme. i like the interesting letter-like shapes i came up with.




why do i sometimes draw well (i.e. the chicken) and sometimes suck (i.e. the dog)?

