analogue poster experiment

April 9th, 2015

note: i was so tired when i posted this last night that i didn’t notice that i made it a page instead of a blog entry…. that is why the time stamp is wrong. anyway, back to the original entry:



this is what i made today:

wolf poster FERTIG 2


i did this manually by ripping out pictures in a magazine and scanning it in. i like the general color scheme and new “world”, but the reddish, creepy photo doesn’t belong. it’s too direct or horror-film-like. changing it out isn’t so easy though– each other photo i try to substitute creates it’s own problems.

today i also spent a lot of time making posters in InDesign.  i won’t post them tonight since i am so exhausted, but you can look forward to seeing them this week.



a sleepy hj