a lovely anniversary

April 13th, 2015

today david and i have been married for 5 years.

we celebrated last weekend in Graubünden in a b&b and then the therme vals, which was AMAZING. i can totally recommend it as a romantic and relaxing place to go. i especially enjoyed getting to know the architecture of Peter Zumthor. i generally like old buildings with a story, but the thermal spa was so well thought out and integrated into the nature and surroundings, that i felt close for once to a very modern way of being.

perhaps i will post some more about our time in Graubünden later, but i wanted to talk about what we did today in this post.

our lovely monday was spent at katzensee and the surrounding area. i love the name of this lake of course: cat lake. i told octavia a story about the water cats that live in the bottom of the lake.  they are very scared of humans and stay in their underwater caves, but if you put your ear to the water, you can hear them purrrrrring.

of course she tried it out and told me she couldn’t hear them…

I brought my instant film camera (“Polaroid”) with me and documented the day with 10 photos.



here david took a photo of octavia and I as the train went by…


I also started experimenting with the double exposure mode. Here is my favorite so far:



another take I liked that is difficult to see here:



i won’t share all ten Polaroids, but here are a few more.



(with just one exposure)




here you can see the ruins of an old castle or fortress. i sketched while sitting on the broken down outer wall and felt so romantic. i only wished clara could have been there with me.

anyway, we spent all day outside, from 10am until 6pm and it was so healing. it was good to get away from the pressures at home that shout CLEAN or WORK ON YOUR POSTER or YOU NEED TO EDIT THOSE PHOTOS. david is worried that i am becoming a workaholic, and I must say, he might need to worry….

the rest was needed, and i have a good start on my tan. tomorrow is back to the grind: drückeinführung.

i will end with a photo of my favorite cattys Radisli and Zwiebeli and Octavia eating spaghetti.



sadly, my phone broke yesterday. i am mad at myself for being so careless, but i think david can fix it. it will take a while bah, so no more instagramming for a bit….

