jan jagodzinski

jan jagodzinski ist Professor am Department of Secondary Education, der University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, wo er Kunst- und Medienpädagogik unterrichtet. Seine Publikationen umfassen Youth Fantasies: The Perverse Landscape of the Media (Palgrave, 2004); Musical Fantasies: A Lacanian Approach (Palgrave, 2005); Television and Youth: Televised Paranoia (Palgrave, 2008); The Deconstruction of the Oral Eye: Art and Its Education in an Era of Designer Capitalism (Palgrave, 2010); Arts Based Research: A Critique and Proposal, (mit Jason Wallin, Sense Publishers, erscheint 2013), Misreading Postmodern Antigone: Marco Bellocchio’s Devil in the Flesh (Diavolo in Corpo) (Intellect Books, 2011) und Psychoanalyzing Cinema: A Productive Encounter of Lacan, Deleuze, and Žižek (Palgrave, 2012).

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