Yifan LI
my school | my discipline my websites my focus as a designer my motivation to take part in the International…
my school | my discipline my websites my focus as a designer my motivation to take part in the International…
my history BA Industrial Design, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen (Südtirol – Italy) Working at the…
ZHdK | Industrial Design www.franciscopeier.ch my focus as a designer I‘m particularly interested in the design of furniture and the…
Zurich University of the Arts | Master of Arts in Design, FoE Ereignis my websites: www.flickr.com/people/mary_line my…
my school | my discipline ZHdK Industrial Design BA my websites https://www.facebook.com/luc.lindegger my focus as…
Srishti, School of Art Design and Technology| Interdisciplinary/ Museuology My…
we want to thank the following partner for the support: pro helvetia präsenz schweiz EDA – swiss embassy delhi –…
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) is a vibrant centre for teaching, research, and production excellence. While firmly anchored in…