a Critical APPRAISAL

thumb_IMG_0029_1024After all the group identified a societal problem and linked a generic idea for the sake of digital self determination with a real world problem. The path was not easy to go for students which expected a rational path for the [design]management of a well defined innovation. They did not expected to open a position as innovators. For Patria Digitalis it was a challenging project too. The deconstructional approach focused very much on giving the generic material a meaning. This is not the sort of service they expected to get. Instead it was a fundamental and noisy reflection. The most important insight for the lecturer was the gap between design and innovation. There is a growing disorientation if we understand [or expect] design mandatory as innovation.

+ free analytical reasoning

The solution of the course is neither a model nor a design. In the course of conversations we trained and elaborated the mode of free analytical reasoning about real world problems. We strengthened the open-mindedness to handle real world problems as real humans beyond commodified toolboxes, methods and strategies. Purposely we bypassed ‘the orderly way of doing business’. According to the aim of the course we tried to get to the bottom of a given innovation and to showcase the meaning of agency as the capacity to act responsible and farseeing in a given situation as designers. This exclusive experience shall be the solution.

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” Herman Melville