Archiv des Autors: marcusmaeder

Interface design for the Klagenfurt show

A new version of ‚trees: Downy oak‘ is in preparation for the exhibtion below in Klagenfurt – now for headphones and with a visual and touch based interface. Baum/Mensch/Klang/Kunst An exhibition of the Alpen-Adria University, Klagenfurt With Ch. Kubisch, M. … Weiterlesen

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Spring! Papaya blossom at treelab

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trees: Pinus sylvestris

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Measurement station at Salgesch (VS) 2013/14

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Measurement station at Salgesch/VS 2013

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Comparing systems/sensors 2

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Comparing sensors

Before we’re out again in the montain woods of Wallis for new measurements and recordings, there are new sensors to be tested at the experimental garden at WSL.

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treelab: in action

The treelab at the ICST is now fully operational and we’re conducting experiments with native and tropical plants. The ZHdK facility dept. helped us to find a quiet lab space at Mediacampus; thank you very much!

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trees: Downy Oak. Exhibition, Workshop and Symposium in San Francisco

A surround-sound installation from the research project trees of the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology of the Zurich University of the Arts and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL. Artistic realization: Marcus Maeder … Weiterlesen

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