Category: partner


Srishti school of art,design and technology, Department of Textile Design http://texturedpatterns.blogspot.in Craft practices,Sustainable practices,  technology and Visual Artistic exploration My…

Jessica HUANG

Tongji University | Furnishing Design | Decoration Design my websites swimming coache : http://site.douban.com/168912/ linekdind : http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jessica-v-huang/17/490/274 my focus as a…

Camille PEIRY

Zurich University of the Arts | Art Education   my websites: https://www.facebook.com/camille.peiry.7?ref=tn_tnmn http://pinterest.com/pcams/   my focus as a teacher Get…

Hansuli MATTER

Zurich University of the Arts | Head of the Departmen Design | Media & Spatial Design My Websites hansuli.wordpress.com > pesonal…


National Institute of Design | product design my websites: http://fungivibrations.wordpress.com/ my focus as a designer: A great person said to…

Jie Greg SHEN

SHEN Jie (Greg) is the associate professor of Industrial Design Department at School of Design, Jiangnan University. He has been…

Qian XU

my school | my discipline my websites my focus as a designer  my motivation to take part in the International…


my school | my discipline my websites my focus as a designer  my motivation to take part in the International…