










Sir J.J School of Arts | Interior Decoration

my websites : http://www.facebook.com/vishakha.shidhaye

my focus as a designer 

Conceptual designs are my forte. I believe more in concepts. I feel that there should be strong concept behind every design. I get amazed by the small and usual things around us and I use them to create something new out of it.

As a designer, I would like to innovate designs which will be utility oriented combining traditional and modern concepts.

my motivation to take part in the International Design School 2013

This workshop in the International Design School is going to widen the horizons of my knowledge. Having a dialogue with people from various cultures will help me explore new ideas. On the other hand, I will be able to exchange my thoughts and concepts with them, giving me an opportunity to improve myself in terms of performance.

my favourite design (picture and description)

I have always been fond of Surrealistic work as it feature the element of surprise and unexpected juxtapositions . Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings.


The given images are surrealistic images. The work in the above image by an anonymous designer is very unique. I liked it because the idea of  drawers coming out from the floor is very unusual and without comparison .


The work in the above image again by an anonymous designer has a unmatched idea of a chair whose legs have a structural design of human feet.


The above craft work by ‘Salvador Dali’ who was a prominent multi-talented Spanish surrealist gave an unequalled design of a centre table . In this design the top of table is balanced on unique design where one side is human hand and the other is human foot.