I imagine the images to be an unstable flicker or a fleeting reflection that merges two very different locations and turn it into somewhere new. Speaking of reflections, here are a little more of Hong Kong I want to share with you, these are taken recently by photographing window reflections:)
I want to create ambiguous visions of a new space that is not very obvious to tell which part is in Zurich and which part is in Hong Kong, maybe both or maybe none. Also I’m very interested in exploring the concept of “time”, in the frame of specific spaces.
I think it will be great if my partner and I can track the visual clues, meaning some particular details of the cities that we decide to explore together, and maybe collect lights or sounds from both sides. I would also like to develop a common project if she is interested in photography/video art/sound installation, we can also experiment with visual and audio together.
And lastly, I wrote something recently that has me thinking about how we can (or cannot) deal with the idea of time/memory.
Time is captured in a cage.
It doesn’t stop, but it can’t fly anymore.
It ticks forwards and then backwards, the moment reserves.
It doesn’t go to the future, but it can’t be changed anymore.
It moves faster and then slower, and we see blurs.
Time is captured in a cage, and it is out of focus.
Hello Allison. very interesting.
I ask myself about capturing time in a cage.
I like more to think about freezing time.
I am not really into “cages” 🙂
Thats photography, not? THE something in between. Something between life and death.
Hi Morena, freezing time is quite obvious I guess, maybe time in a fridge haha
Yes I agree with you, the something in between, and it’s always intriguing to explore what that thing is.
Hi Allison, do you think there is something specific about time depending on a location? And if yes, how could we capture it?
I think time is more depending on mental location, for different things we are doing somehow form different clocks that tick differently in speed. It can be either too short or too long within the same length of time, depending on whether we like/enjoy what we’re doing. It’s highly subjective. How could we capture it… still figuring it out!
Dear Allison,
I must say I adore your pictures and the way you take them. They are very voyeuristic, sensible and expressive.
I think you have a precious talent and I feel like you captured the moment, but not only that you already showed me a opportunity for the future which isn’t certain, but possible. It’s like you merge two realities in one picture and create a whole new reality out of it. For example the second picture: We see a girl and in the reflection a truck which is driving towards her. It’s looks like she is one second away from being driven over. In the same time it looks like she is already waiting for it to happen. So again you didn’t just capture a moment, you created a whole new moment/ reality by merging these two pictures together. I hope, you understand what I am trying to tell you:).
What kind of camera do you use?
your fan, Jelena 🙂
Hi Jelena,
Thank you for being so accurate about what I’m trying to express! I think it’s very poetic to merge two spaces together in the exact same moment whilst uncertainty emerges but only exists in the frame of that image, and then expanding beyond. And in photography the viewers can never be sure about what was going to happen next, it was possible, but only in their minds.
btw I was using a SLR (Olympus OM1) 🙂
Hi Allison,
I have to say, that I really like the way you have taken the photographs. I would like to use them for Walker, to reflect the pictures here in Zurich. Could you film little scenes there? It would be cool, if we could do a short film together to melt “your” story (what you see, maybe what your fictional Ego is thinking, feeling etc,) and Walker’s together. I really would like to see if there is a cultural difference, and if so, where? (Not only material thinks like buildings and so on, but also in filming things, like how is your way of dramaturge, etc.) Also I would like to reflect Hong Kong and the media world ( Series, books, Social Media, etc.) that hopefully will result in a little movie, which will be asking and maybe answering/reflecting about Life.
What do you think? Are you in? 😉
Best regards, Joanna
Hi Joanna,
Thanks for the comment!
Yeah I think it would be nice to film sth together. I just made a funny short film recently you can have a look when you’re free 🙂