Assignment 3 – Joanna

Since we live in a global village, media help us extend our skin. I can“feel“ what other feel. Hear, see, maybe taste and smell if we are using the same products in an post-industrial world.My interest is to let fiction and non-fiction flow together and build a bridge/connection to Hong-Kong this way.What is common? What is very different maybe – and how diffuse the cultures one another?That’s why, I would like to bind Fotos and little Movies from Hongkong scattered in the six episodes of Walker.

The best for my Project would be, that s/he is interested in making little movies (I do it just with smartphone). So we could reflect  our actions/plot in another environment. Open the Box, to let non-fiction and fiction flow together and even this two cities, how they extended our „skin“, our senses already.

So my main-question is the distraction because of media (like: medial“pastoring“) and the influences from east and west, which are melting together (even in literature for example).Do we“re-act“ the same? (Even habits) Do we have the same desires and ideas in using media.

So, here is the next Episode of Walker, hope someone will reflect 😉