Dear all
We guess you are exchanging images, working on your common projects. The visiting phase is approaching very quickly (less than 2 weeks until the first HK students will get on the plane) and so it is crucial that you make the best use of the remaining time.
We don’t see too much of activities on the blog. We hope it is because you are busy working on your goals for our project. As the name of the project says, the key idea is to deal with imaginations and images of our two main locations Switzerland and Hong Kong.
You and your projects will gain most from the time on location (Hong Kong and Zürich) if you engage mentally and affectively – with the other place before you are there. You only have once the chance to confront your notions and ideas of the other place with first-time real, bodily perception on spot.
So whatever you are working on, make sure that you integrate somehow your imagination of the other place (drawings, images you received from your remote partner or researched them and appropriated them for your project).
To discover the other place will be a much richer experience if you dealt with it before with imagination, stereotypes, images, shortly our own images of the remote locations. To confront your imaginations with the experience on the spot is the main reason we are visiting each other.
If you have questions, if you need inputs, support, feedback, please contact us. We will be glad to help (if we can). We wish you all inspiration and motivation. Make the best of the remaining time. And we look forward to be hosts and guests.
Best and happy new year (soon for you in Hongkong as well)
Thomas and Birk