The Main enemy is the bourgeois standard / norm. I would shake Roland Barthes hand.
I was very optimistic an looked forward to everything out of the blue. Interesting Program. Thought of a project, showing that, even if there differences do exist (shapes, colors, words- what ever), in the end we are all human – But I let the standard out of consideration. Your standard.
We feel. We think. Taste. Touch. Smell. Our carnal canvas is illustrated by the incidentally culture we are surrounded by, from the first breath we take. We breath in. Like a sponge is not beyond to diffuse water through it’s cells, we are not beyond to diffuse the culture waters, they water us, let us grow, paint us, appease thirst, tarnish us – obfuscating our mind.
The Gods are calm. No matter if faceless or cow-faced. They lapsed into silence. And left us alone. Left their name behind to warrant war. Left Language behind to enable us to think in words, not only with the heart – the holy organ – no! With the brain- an pretty useless organ in our head wich leads us to believe we could understand. Could really know something. It’s ridicules. If there is Satan (standing for the very mean, worst). He is a Wordmonster – evil thoughts given us with words, the voice in our head, the devil in our head. I fold my hands in prayer in front of my chest. In front of my heart. I would like to delete the words which help me to describe the world in one dimension.
I am blind – wordblind
I am numb – wordnumb
I am deaf – worddeaf
I am in the worst of taste – wordless
Drink my wine – I made him out of figs.
How does it taste?
There is no truth. No Moral. Just Life. Life and evil words, encasing thoughts. There is no ascent or descent, just iteration. No coming and going, just turning.
You want me to tell the truth . Perhaps adorned with loveliness. You want me polite. Truth is never polite. Real critic isn’t either. It’s just not judging – but not polite, it’s distinguishing. It’s just your own wounded pride. So pull yourself together.
Take a sip, the wine is excellent. Politeness is a lie.
Culture is the Idol. The golden calf. What shall I compare?How Language tries to remove each – growing distance?Landscapes raped by man hand?
I really shall compare? Distinguishing?
I feel dizzy – It’s not from wine – I am the host.
I like it simple. Simple and pure – I tell you the plain truth.
I don’t know what art is.
The homely girl on the other side of the street . It has happy eyes . Childlike, though adult . It laughs. Yes, look through the window. It knows the art of living. It say’s: Bla, bla… No, It’s not like it sounds. I just guess. My devil finds no words for the sounds of the girl. It’s still in paradise. Like the soul of the birds. Try to whistle in words. No. Don’t sing.
You are offending me. Just words can hurt her.
Let’s drink more wine.
I am thankful. Thankful for my full stomach. Thankful for the trip. Nice people to know. Thankful what my eyes were able to soak up, my hands to touch. Even the things that were strange enriched me. I learnt, I felt – Get high on words. On Impressions.
I got sick. Sick by Jet lag. Sick by food. Sick by people.
Sometimes I felt stupid. Stupid, because of eyes, because of Knowledge, something new, fear, to laugh with all my heart.
I felt unfree.Cramped. Misunderstood. Allowed to do what rather be not allowed. I still can’t fly – not even from the highest skyscraper. Just fall. Just my feelings can grow alike.
My words – the tower to babel. My soul, an innocent child.
Fly Ka – Maat will show you the netherworld of the lords.I ate figs – I drank there wine. I know it’s wrong. My heart is fig. Heavy of Knowledge. It doesn’t know what to do with.Too heavy of thoughts.Too heavy of words.
Let me calm down.I wont believe.I wont think.I wont write.I wont talk.
I wont take response.Let me forget.Let me fade.Let me breath.Let me calm down.
The program is over.
Data will be deleted… … …
A 阿 ā
B 贝 bèi
C 瑟 sè
D 德 dé
E 耶 yē
F 艾弗 ài fú
G 给 gěi
H 哈 hā
I 伊 yī
J 尤特 yóu tè
K 卡 kǎ
L 艾勒 ài lè
M 艾马 ài mǎ
N 艾娜 ài nà
O 哦 ó
P 佩 pèi
Q 酷 kù
R 艾儿 ài ér
S 艾丝 ài sī
T 特 tè
U 乌 wū
V 法欧 fǎ ōu
W 维 wéi
X 伊克斯 yī kè sī
Y 艾普瑟轮 ài pǔ sè lún
Z 贼特 zéi tè
Ä 诶 ēi
Ö 俄 é
Ü 玉 yù
ß 艾丝贼特 ài sī zéi tè