How Hanz see Switzerland



Switzerland reminded me the extreme cold weather and snow.

This photo was taken in the  one of the coldest night.
Though I believe that Switzerland is much colder than I expect.

And I’ve never see snow.

Therefore I tried to find something that looks like snow in Hong Kong.

The glass lights.




Switzerland reminded me the schweizer armeemesser.

Which is the first Switzerland product i met in my life.


螢幕快照 2015-10-12 下午10.00.12

Switzerland reminded me the nature.

I heard the view of mountains is grand and uniquely spectacular.
It’s my honor to see these views.

4 thoughts on “How Hanz see Switzerland”

  1. Not coming from Switzerland myself I have a similar imagination of snowy winters and every again I find myself surprised that there is hardly any snow in Zurich.

  2. Hanz, to read sour thoughts, watching your photographs was very nice.. artistic, this thing with the glas – beautiful.
    I really have to say, that Birk is right – there were barely snow the last winters here … ***maybe because of the climatic changing ***wispering*** 😉 enjoy time!!!

  3. it’s funny, I was so happy when I heard the winter in Hong Kong is very mild, so I can get away from the cold here. grabs a your warmest clothes! Usually it is even a bit warmer wen falling snow. I hope it has then a lot of snow for you! 🙂

  4. Hi Hanz I like very much your pictures. Nice to see how you could express, in a very poetic way, a place that you have never been. In pictures and in your own environment.

    And I disagree with Birk and Julia, last winter we have over Christmas and new year a kind of snowstorm. It was so beautiful.
    This year, we have now spring.. it is 15 degrees…. super crazy..

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