
Thank you Winnie, Yulia, Hans and Katharina for your reflections on your work and the workshop. It’s fascinating to read about your comparisons between the expected and the experienced, your thoughts, and also your emotions. Your individual perspectives and reflections are our gold, our core interest.
So for the others, who did not write about their experiences, thoughts connected with their artwork (and if time and energy about others) and their intellectual and artistic process, PLEASE share your gold with us. And please (TO ALL): don’t forget the post some significant images of your work. We have to write a final report for the school and need your contributions on the blog until March 15th.
It was experiment with open outcome – also for us. It was risky and it was worth it.
Even if there were very few visitors: the exhibition was a rich and inspiring experience for us and we hope and believe also for you. We were confronted with a lot of unknown and it was an inspiring challenge to deal with it.
We hope you are well and we will see you all again (the chance is a little higher with the Zurich Students)
Thank you in advance for your contributions we are eager to read
Thomas and Birk


Schedule Exhibition

Dear all,
here is our final schedule.
For the exhibition handout: Every team writes a short text (max. 700 characters) about their work. What is the intention? Background knowledge if needed. Title of the work, technical data like duration, names of the authors.
Deadline was a few days ago.
Installation of the works, check all your needed hardware today!
Opening: 19.00
We have to be in the gallery in shifts of 1 or 1,5 hours teamwise. Let us know who takes which shift.
10.00-11.00 shift/team 1
11.00-12.30 shift/team 2
12.30-14.00 shift/team 3
14.00-15.30 shift/team 4
15.30-17.00 all: final discussion of the projects
For the final discussion we ask you for short text on the other works. You can write these during your shift on Saturday and we want you to present them as part of the discussion.
What do I see in the work? What appeals to me? Why?
What do you learn about making images of locations and about the locations themselves?
Four times 800 characters. Two minutes talk.
(to be published on the blog later)
As part of the final documentation we ask you for a reflecting text about your own work (written in teams).
What did I do? Why? What where the difficulties? What were the major (conceptual, material etc.) changes in the process? How was the collaboration? Which new insights did you get (during the process, through the finished work)? In which way your expectations and imaginations about the other location and the shooting of images have changed?
About 3000 characters.
(to be published together with photo documentation on the blog until February 29th)
Thomas & Birk


Visiting Phase

Dear all
We guess you are exchanging images, working on your common projects. The visiting phase is approaching very quickly (less than 2 weeks until the first HK students will get on the plane) and so it is crucial that you make the best use of the remaining time.
We don’t see too much of activities on the blog. We hope it is because you are busy working on your goals for our project. As the name of the project says, the key idea is to deal with imaginations and images of our two main locations Switzerland and Hong Kong.
You and your projects will gain most from the time on location (Hong Kong and Zürich) if you engage mentally and affectively – with the other place before you are there. You only have once the chance to confront your notions and ideas of the other place with first-time real, bodily perception on spot.
So whatever you are working on, make sure that you integrate somehow your imagination of the other place (drawings, images you received from your remote partner or researched them and appropriated them for your project).
To discover the other place will be a much richer experience if you dealt with it before with imagination, stereotypes, images, shortly our own images of the remote locations. To confront your imaginations with the experience on the spot is the main reason we are visiting each other.
If you have questions, if you need inputs, support, feedback, please contact us. We will be glad to help (if we can). We wish you all inspiration and motivation. Make the best of the remaining time. And we look forward to be hosts and guests.
Best and happy new year (soon for you in Hongkong as well)
Thomas and Birk


Assignment 3

Formulate a question and a thematic backbone you would like to follow in your work:

(it is the biggest so far, it has three sub-assignments)

A) Based on the material and ideas you and the others have posted and commented (also the tags will probably help), develop a specific question or interest you would like to follow as a guiding line for your project (within the overhead topic “reflecting locations”) and formulate it in two to three sentences.

B) You should also think about to following questions and answer them as specificly as possible: What can be the role of images from the other location in your work? What can be the role of your future partner in our plans? Should she or he be mainly a supplyer of images (of the other location) or would you like to develop a common project? Develop first ideas and strategies.

C) Finally: Can you transform your question and interests into a small, personal narrative /argumentation? This can either be a story or just a fragment, a moment. Use images and text.

Based on this third assignment (an the ones before) we, the lecturers, will try to form teams of two (Hongkong-Zürich). Deadline is Monday, 9.11.2015.

To all: you are always very welcome to comment posts.
To whom who has not posted assignment 2 yet: please do.