Schedule Exhibition

Dear all,
here is our final schedule.
For the exhibition handout: Every team writes a short text (max. 700 characters) about their work. What is the intention? Background knowledge if needed. Title of the work, technical data like duration, names of the authors.
Deadline was a few days ago.
Installation of the works, check all your needed hardware today!
Opening: 19.00
We have to be in the gallery in shifts of 1 or 1,5 hours teamwise. Let us know who takes which shift.
10.00-11.00 shift/team 1
11.00-12.30 shift/team 2
12.30-14.00 shift/team 3
14.00-15.30 shift/team 4
15.30-17.00 all: final discussion of the projects
For the final discussion we ask you for short text on the other works. You can write these during your shift on Saturday and we want you to present them as part of the discussion.
What do I see in the work? What appeals to me? Why?
What do you learn about making images of locations and about the locations themselves?
Four times 800 characters. Two minutes talk.
(to be published on the blog later)
As part of the final documentation we ask you for a reflecting text about your own work (written in teams).
What did I do? Why? What where the difficulties? What were the major (conceptual, material etc.) changes in the process? How was the collaboration? Which new insights did you get (during the process, through the finished work)? In which way your expectations and imaginations about the other location and the shooting of images have changed?
About 3000 characters.
(to be published together with photo documentation on the blog until February 29th)
Thomas & Birk



Dear Allison,

Here I am imagining the imaginary of how imagination works.

In order to imagine Hong Kong, I am asking myself, or I am trying to understand, what does it mean Imagination at all.

Instead of thinking that there is a World inside of me, I would like to understand it as a dictionary. A full range of feelings, emotions, city benches, ice-cream taste, blue skies, soft beds, my mothers perfume and and and… I can Imagine Michael Jackson dancing Moonwalker, well I saw him doing that, as I saw a video from the man landing on the moon.

It belongs to me, this huge dictionary of life, life that I lived 36 years long.

I feel this dictionary as an archive. There is no beginning or an end.. And Order??? Is there an order in the imagination?

Can I call it order the first thing that comes to my head?

The closest, the faster, the fresher?

There should be for sure on facebook one of these sentences.. The more I see, the more I am.

Or.. the more I live the more I am…

If that’s true, my imagination is build from my experiences.

There is an outside world, than something like a border.. the skin, the soul… and than an infinite me. Ohh…. are the captions / awareness / perceptions of thing infinite?

Is memory infinite?

To think that „my inside“ could be an archive or a huge black hole is… nice.

Things, places or situations are not only things, places or situations. They are perception (the inputs from the outside world) plus history (my inside).

So, can I say that MY reality is the coalition between my outside and my inside?

Ha! How should I call this moment.. Coalition, shock, instant, realization, boom?

So, now, I understand. I understand it better what I am doing here, my dearest Allison.


Reflection Locations, might be hunt for this BOOM.




Hi Morena,

To focus on something more abstract, more about the perceptions,

here is something I wrote when I think about Zurich.

lighten up the air in my mind,

the perpetual bright space of white,

sparse clouds shiver, and cold is bitter.

in a thousand lines of the city,

I’m wearing the colors inside out,

and the face of the city fades to grey.

Not sure if this is any close to the reality.

But I’ve heard a lot about the color in the winter of Zurich: grey.

Low saturation, unlike Hong Kong.

Our plan changed. We are now on the way to something more conceptual and abstract, through a very simple element: color. We are trying to make some collages to picture the scenery of an unfamiliar place, maybe it never exists.