Dear Allison,

Here I am imagining the imaginary of how imagination works.

In order to imagine Hong Kong, I am asking myself, or I am trying to understand, what does it mean Imagination at all.

Instead of thinking that there is a World inside of me, I would like to understand it as a dictionary. A full range of feelings, emotions, city benches, ice-cream taste, blue skies, soft beds, my mothers perfume and and and… I can Imagine Michael Jackson dancing Moonwalker, well I saw him doing that, as I saw a video from the man landing on the moon.

It belongs to me, this huge dictionary of life, life that I lived 36 years long.

I feel this dictionary as an archive. There is no beginning or an end.. And Order??? Is there an order in the imagination?

Can I call it order the first thing that comes to my head?

The closest, the faster, the fresher?

There should be for sure on facebook one of these sentences.. The more I see, the more I am.

Or.. the more I live the more I am…

If that’s true, my imagination is build from my experiences.

There is an outside world, than something like a border.. the skin, the soul… and than an infinite me. Ohh…. are the captions / awareness / perceptions of thing infinite?

Is memory infinite?

To think that „my inside“ could be an archive or a huge black hole is… nice.

Things, places or situations are not only things, places or situations. They are perception (the inputs from the outside world) plus history (my inside).

So, can I say that MY reality is the coalition between my outside and my inside?

Ha! How should I call this moment.. Coalition, shock, instant, realization, boom?

So, now, I understand. I understand it better what I am doing here, my dearest Allison.


Reflection Locations, might be hunt for this BOOM.



Team Up!

Dear all,

After the 3rd assignment, it is time to pair you up and start the collaboration.
Here you go:
Katarina – Hanz
Morena – Allison
Jelena – Karen
Joanna – Winnie
I believe Thomas and Birk are both open for other possibilities if you have a better idea on the team lineup, and please do let us know by this week for any suggestion or objection.
Phase 4: Finding methods and narratives
1. All of you should be able to find each others’ email address, please develop your own communication channel (Facebook, email, skype, whatsapp….) in order to ensure constant and effective discussion
2. To transform your interests into a small, personal narrative. Please try to come up a consensus with your co-artist, and
3. Based on your discussion, show your partners your research materials and methodology
4. To decide whether it will be one collaborative artwork, or individual under the same context and concept
5. To specify your topic, subject matter, methods, material……
Please submit your project documentation (research material) and a short artist statement / proposition (within 500 words) onto our blog by 30 Nov Monday.

More or less you will share similar idea/ practice with your collaborator, mentors will keep tracking your working process from time to time.

Good luck,