How Hanz see Switzerland



Switzerland reminded me the extreme cold weather and snow.

This photo was taken in the  one of the coldest night.
Though I believe that Switzerland is much colder than I expect.

And I’ve never see snow.

Therefore I tried to find something that looks like snow in Hong Kong.

The glass lights.




Switzerland reminded me the schweizer armeemesser.

Which is the first Switzerland product i met in my life.


螢幕快照 2015-10-12 下午10.00.12

Switzerland reminded me the nature.

I heard the view of mountains is grand and uniquely spectacular.
It’s my honor to see these views.

switerzerland at home

left: pencil rubbing of a biscuit made from Switzerland;
right: a postcard from a friend)
conversation with mom
(mom: m ; winnie: w)
w: mom,  do we have anything at home made in Switzerland?
m: army knives, watches… why ask?
w: assignment. anything you don’t mind me playing with, like something you won’t be upset if i… accidentally break it.
m: no? wait… the biscuits i bought weeks before seems to be from somewhere in Europe… check if it’s Switzerland.
w: is ikea from Switzerland?
m: it is from Sweden. Sweden and Switzerland is different.
w: is Switzerland famous for making cool electronics?
m: i guess you mean Germany…
w: …opps.