First Measurements and Recordings in Salgesch (VS)

A scots pine, equipped with ecophysiological and audio sensors

In order to obtain measurement data and ultrasonic emissions for our first sound analysis corresponding to the data that was obtained in Salgesch in 2004 and used in our sonification experiments, we decided to return to the original measuring site to fit a pine tree (Pinus sylvestris) with meteorological and ecophysiological sensors from WSL and ultrasound recording equipment from ICST.

Measurement/test location in Salgesch

The measuring site is located on a very dry scree slope on a ledge above the vineyards of Salgesch (7°34’40″/46°19’9″). During two weeks in August and September—during a very dry spell—we conducted a first series of plant sound recordings over short and longer periods of time and found that the tree actually emitted a wide range of ultrasound and other frequencies. The challenge now is to assign individual signals, signal patterns and rhythms to assumed ecophysiological processes, mechanical causes (wind) and other acoustic environmental influences in order to be able to formulate a detailed research project. The aim of our regular research project and our research proposal for 2012/2013 is to find out more about the ecophysiological processes based on more extensive measurements and recordings of acoustic emissions and to create a surround-sound installation with which to offer an acoustic experience of our findings.

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