An artist who want to „live in truth“ should always adapted his statement according to the context. The relationship with the audience is one of the most important context that each performing artists should consider. Without audience, there is no performance. Hence I would like to formulate a manifesto which is always in a fluid state where each encounter will change it. This page will serve as an archive of theses changes.

Version 1 (revised on 2021.09.01)

#On TyrannyThe Artist’s Manifesto
1Do not obey in advance.Beside arousing emotions, my works also create a space for reflection, bring mindfulness into daily life.
2Defend institutions.Whoever will use the rehearsal space has to clean it together before and after using it.
3Beware the one-party state.Treat every work as my last work, and never regret even if I can no longer create any more.
4Take responsibility for the face of the world.My Knowing and Doing should be united, and the process itself has to match my value.
5Remember professional ethics.More time during concepting, rehearsal and performance are spent to share my ideas with others, and accept any challenge.
6Be wary of paramilitaries.My work shouldn’t only represent the world, but to change it.
7Be reflective if you must be armed.My work is a means to arm the audience with the ability to communicate.
8Stand out.Stand out with the value I believe in.
9Be kind to our language.Don’t take any background knowledge as granted. Every work is an opportunity to unlearn language, culture, technique, world view, knowledge……
10Believe in truth.Tell the truth (even with the means of telling lies).
11Investigate.In the name of Art, being responsible for what consequences my works create.
12Make eye contact and small talk.Take every opportunity to create human connection.
13Practice corporeal politics.Provide a safe space for the People to co-presence.
14Establish a private life.Never violate others’ (materials, participants, co-creators) privacy.
15Contribute to good causes.Construct the sense of community.
16Learn from peers in other countries.Transpass the national boundary.
17Listen for dangerous words.Beware the use of language.
18Be calm when the unthinkable arrives.Prepare the audience to face the unthinkable in real lives.
19Be a patriot.Create art for the one I love.
20Be as courageous as you can.Be as courageous as I can, as we can.