Team – Winnie & Jo

Medial cure of souls

The global interface of culture (western and eastern world)

Getting close: Sharing is Carrying

Since the“Gutenberg Galaxy“ (How Marshall Mc Luhan described) was yesterday, we live in a global village. A digital era, which effects every living person who is connected to electricity and the post-capitalism and -modern way of live.

So what is interesting about this global digital thing? – Networking allover the planet?

It is the way of changing/mixing ideologies and role-models in a rapid way, to create a new form of identity. A very reflected one.
Which isn’t a national matter anymore. It’s an international mixture of habits, beings and even bodies (how they are dressed, how they move, how they eat, make love etc.).

A common sense was developed which has its roots in the medial world.
Television, Cinema, streaming services (like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify, iTunes, Streamcloud, Youtube), Books, comics, Video-Games and so on… they surround us.
We are able to see further than ever,
We are able to hear more than ever,
Taste, smell – even to feel more than ever.

We are getting close to each other – In our imagination.
Being able to comprehend luck and sorrow under the statement: sharing is carrying.

So, what do we want to confer between Hong Kong and Zurich?

1.The medial habits- this, what is distracting us from (maybe) a stressful working place, harm, Loneliness, boredom… and how similar they are to each other (or if)
2. How it“print’s it’s textures“ in our bodies (Which imprints are left by media world), maybe we can draw conclusions about the seen film scenes later.

Thats why we film little scenes in our environment.
Every Scene has it’s topic (Question), like: This is how rush hour looks like in Zurich.
The other person reflects this Question, with a scene she is filming, and is asking a new „Question“ in the end, for the other person to answer (not in a written way, just filmic).
It should draw us conclusions about, if we can read and understand the Question in Pictures of one another .
This should last three weeks, like:

First Scene Person A : (Q= Question)Q1, First Scene Person B: (A=Answer)A1 +Q2
Second Scene Person A: A2 + Q3, Second Scene Person B: A3 + Q4… and so on.

Afterwards we will work with the collected material.

So, another  main-interest I would like to add (J.) is: (next to the comparison of the medial worlds), how the dramaturgy of a little scene is build. How are the cultural influence? Are there Connections? Can we understand and read it.

For Lecturer (little note): The next step is to locate the amount of questions, and of course who wants to start.Retrospectively it should be able to watch the whole work as a little movie.Maybe this Part we could do together there in Hong Kong (optimizing the movie).


One thought on “Team – Winnie & Jo”

  1. Great. I like your method to collect audiovisual material that you later can work with. It might be good to further develop your concept in regard to how you will evaluate your footage. As mass media is a reference for you, a comparison with found footage would be one option. Another – and maybe more interesting – could be to confront your images with the actual experience of your partner by revisiting sites or situations when your are together in Zurich and Hong Kong.

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