4 thoughts on “second assignment / installation”

  1. Dear Jelena
    A projection full of memories. There is no sound. Was it meant to be like that? Or do I have technical problems (other vimeos files do work with sound)

    1. Dear Thomas,

      Thanks for your question.

      It’s not a technical problem, it’s done on purpose. It’s already happening a lot on screen, that’s why I didn’t want to overexcite the viewer on the acoustical level. The viewer should try to put his focus on what is happening on screen –> If I could exhibit this, it would be shown in a loop.

  2. I like the way you display four different frames, I can feel something very personal about this work and I think it really reflects “memory” in a way that as the audience I don’t really know, and that’s quite attractive.

  3. Hi Allison, thank you for your comment. The way you describe my work delights me dreadfully.

    I would describe my work as exposed but in the same time secretive.

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