Burckhardt Rudy

List of Films


Not Nude Though, A Portrait of Rudy Burckhardt

The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S.

Great Regular Flavor, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S.

Ostensibly, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S.

Central Park in the Dark, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S.

Around the World in Thirty Years, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S.

Default Averted, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S.

City Pasture, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S.

Inside Dope, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S.

Lurk, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S. 1965, 38 Min.

Shoot the Moon, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S. 1962, 28 Min.

Nymphlight, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S. 1957, 8 Min.

What Mozart Saw on Mulberry Street, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S. 1956, 6 Min.

Aviary, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S. 1955, 14 Min.

Pursuit of Happiness, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S. 1940, 7 Min.

Haiti, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S. 1938, 16 Min.

Seeing the world: Part One – A visit to New York, Rudy Burkhardt, U.S. 1937, 10 Min.




* 1914, Basel; †1999, Searsmont, Maine

Rudy Burckhardt discovered photography as medical student in London. After deciding to leave medicine and focus on photography instead, he immigrated to the U.S. in 1935. In 1947 he joined the Photo League in New York and married the painter Yvonne Jacquette whom he collaborated with repeatedly in the following fourth years. From 1967 to 1975 he taught filmmaking and painting at the University of Pennsylvania.


Articles about (and from) the Author and his Work


Charles Hagen, “Loving New York and New Yorkers”, The New York Times, January, 1996

Vincent Katz, “Rudy Burkhardt. A Short Biographical Sketch”, Parkett, No. 48, 1996, pp. 129-152

“Romance, Gangster, and Cowboys”, interview with Rudy Burckhardt, conducted by Paul Mattick, Dossier New York! New York! Magazin für Kultur und Politik, Edition 2-3, June 1991, pp. 38-42.

Simon Pettet, Conversations with Rudi Burkhardt About Everything, Vehicle Editions, Anabel Levitt, New York, 1989.

Richard Bartone, “Notes on four films by Rudy Burckhardt”, Millenium Film Journal, No 3, 1979, 126-130. burckhardt mfj 3


Screenings (Places and Dates)


Holdings of Films in Collections




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