Archiv des Autors: sarahmarinucci

Gigli fucsia a Zurigo – Stage Lab 2_Emanuel Gat per “DisAbility on Stage”

We are happy to present you the great article by Camilla Guarino about the stage lab 2 performance at Tanzhaus Zurich in the context of the IntegrART symposium!

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Stage Labs 1 & 2 – Trailer

We are happy and very proud to present you our Trailer! Franca Frey did a great Job! Thank you so much! Link to the Trailer…

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„DisAbility on Stage“ on Tour

The Stage Lab Tour 2017   29/03/17 Zürich, Tanzhaus, IntegrART Symposium (Stage Lab 2) 01/06/17 Lugano, Teatro Foce, ORME Festival (Stage Lab 1+2) 09/06/17 Basel, Kaserne, Rosstall 1, Wildwuchs Festival (Stage Lab 1+2) 10/06/17 Bern, Akar Studio, BewegGrund. Das Festival … Weiterlesen

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Another Milestone

Another milestone of our research project has been reached! Thanks to everyone who made this wonderful stage lab no. 2 in collaboration with the BA Contemporary Dance happen! The pictures of this great experience are now on our Blog: Kickoff / Workshop / … Weiterlesen

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Pictures of our Stage Labs

We are happy to present you some pictures of our Stage Labs! Stage Lab 1 at Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Verscio Stage Lab 2 – Kickoff at ZHdK

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IFTR Conference 2017

Call for Contributions PERFORMANCE & DISABILITY WORKING GROUP International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) Conference “Unstable Geographies: Multiple Theatricalities” University of São Paulo, The Department of Performing Arts, 10-14 July 2017 Deadline for abstracts: 5 February 2017 Deadline for presentations … Weiterlesen

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IntegrART 2017 by Migros Kulturprozent

„DisAbility on Stage“ is part of IntegrART 2017 by Migros Kulturprozent, which features festivals in different parts of Switzerland. The informations are available in Italian, German, French, and English! More informations about the two Stage Labs shown during the festivals!

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Events of 2017

Hi to everybody! We are starting to update our events in 2017. Don’t miss checking the dates! Hope to see you soon! Wish you all a happy new year!!!

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Looking for Apartments during February/March 2017

We are looking for accessible apartments or any other affordable options in Zurich for two weeks and a weekend in February/March 2017. Any thoughts? // Wir sind auf der Suche nach barrierefreien Apartments resp. Unterkünften in Zürich für Februar/März 2017? … Weiterlesen

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Dettagli – Details

** Versione Italiana „Dettagli“ – Un spettacolo nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca DisAbility on Stage a cura di Emanuel Rosenberg. Venerdì, 18.11.2016 / alle ore 18:00 / Aula Grande / durata ca. 20 minuti Seguirà per gli interessati una discussione … Weiterlesen

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