Fri.Art. Made in Switzerland, New York, 1985

Fri.Art. Made in Switzerland

From 26/04/85 to 08/06/85



The Clocktower; Franklin Furnace; The Kitchen + LA MAMA E.T.C.; The Collective for Living Cinema (all New York City)

Number of Editions



Michel Ritter, Paul Jacquat

Filmmakers, Artists

The Clocktower: Meret Oppenheim, John Armleder, Cherif + Silvie Defraoui, Felix Müller, Grégoire Müller, Jean Otth, Markus Raetz, Aldo Walker
Franklin Furnace: Dieter Roth, Ian Anüll, Daniel Berset, Container TV, Philippe Deléglise, Etienne Descloux, Jürg Egli, Pierre André Ferrand, Hans Jürg Gilgen, Rut Himmelsbach, Res Ingold, Michel Ritter, Ruedi Schill, Roman Signer, Peter Trachsel + Kaut Remond, Anna Winteler
LA MAMA E.T.C.: John Armleder, Françoise Bridel, Christine Brodbeck, Erich Busslinger, Monica Klingler, Christian Marclay, Alex Silber, Pierre Sublet, Cécile Wick, Christoph Weisbrod
The Kitchen: Hanspeter Ammann, Marie-José Burki + Eric Lanz, Erich Busslinger, Cherif + Silvie Defraoui, Jürg Egli, Claude Gacon, Alexander Hahn, IPUT, Jean-Jacques Le Testu, Carlos Lischetti, Jean Otth, Roman Signer, Alex Silber, Janos Urban, Anna Winteler, Cécile Wick
The Collective for the Living Cinema:  Ian Anüll, Heinz Brand, Urs Breitenstein, Gérard Cavat, Dominique Contrat, David Di Guardo + Yves Knobel + Robert MacNaughton, Jacques Favre, Pierre Andre Ferrand, Christophe Geel, Véronique Goël, Micheln Huelin, André Lehmann, Pascal Magnin, Alain Mugnier, Werner von Mutzenbecher, Catia Ciccaboni, HHK Schoenherr, Robert Zimmermann

Films, Works


Catalogues and Leaflets

An Exerpt of the catalogue is here: Auszug aus dem Katalog der Fri.Art-Ausstellung in New York, 1985


Circulation of the event

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