Roland Mathys

List of Films   Feldschiessen, Roland Mathys CH ca. 1968, 15 Min. Lago Maggiore, Roland Mathys CH 1968, 16mm, 300 Meter. Maria-Juana, Roland Mathys CH 1969, 16mm, 10 Min.   Articles about (and from) the Author and his Work . Screenings (Places and Dates) Look Cine Circus, Bern. 26. Mai, 1968 (Nonstop-Programm) im Carcos, Efingerstrasse 12. (siehe Supervisuell 1) Lago Maggiore Filmtage Sololthurn Mathys_Lago_Maggiore Maria Juana Filmtage Solothurn Mathys_Mariuahna Holdings of Films in Collections . Miscellaneous