Disability and Performer Training – A colloquium

„The moment when we start having skilled disabled performers looking for work, they will start pushing the medium.“

(Pedro Madacho, Co-Artistic director, CandoCo Dance Company, UK)


As a kick-off event, the colloquium aims to lay the ground for the upcoming practice collaboration. The stage laboratory DisAbility on Stage at the Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Verscio and the Zurich University of the Arts will explore recent developments and visions for the future inclusion of disabled performers in the Dance and Performer Training at Swiss and other European Art Schools. Best Practice presentations, critical reflections, and reports based on own experiences will serve as a starting point for our discussion.

25 October 2016, 9:30-18:00 at the Departement of Performing Arts and Film, Gessnerallee 9-11, Probebühne 1 & Podium, 8001 Zurich

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