Laboratorio teatrale all‘ Accademia Teatro Dimitri


Dal 7 al 18 novembre 2016 il progetto di ricerca si confronta con la pratica in laboratorio teatrale presso l’Accademia Teatro Dimitri.

Grazie a una collaborazione con il corso di studi Master dell’Accademia Teatro Dimitri e con Emanuel Rosenberg di Teatro DanzAbile, infatti, alcuni studenti e un gruppo di attori disabili sono protagonisti di un laboratorio teatrale che permetterà di mettere alla prova della pratica le riflessioni di una ricerca teorica che, a sua volta, sarà stimolata a proseguire la propria strada alla luce degli spunti emersi dalla concreta esperienza artistica.

Per ulteriori informazioni…



From 7 to 18 of November our research project concentrate on an artistic stage lab at Accademia Teatro Dimitri.

This peculiar encounter between disability and theatre offers the possibility to apply a practice-based research, founded upon a dialogue between praxis and reflection: this dialogue, for our purpose, will take place during a two weeks workshop in Accademia Teatro Dimitri, involving disabled performers as well as Master program students, led by Emanuel Rosenberg, artistic director of Teatro DanzAbile.
The workshop aims at supplying a practical experience that is an expression of a general knowledge rooted in-the-body, as well as creating the conditions for an exchange of diverse bodies each with its own particular embodiment of experience or embodied-knowledge.
Our focus is to trigger a dialogue between practising and reflecting, and to develop ways of understanding that are able to highlight and return the complex richness of this encounter.

For more informations (in Italian)…

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