Gigli fucsia a Zurigo – Stage Lab 2_Emanuel Gat per “DisAbility on Stage”

We are happy to present you the great article by Camilla Guarino about the stage lab 2 performance at Tanzhaus Zurich in the context of the IntegrART symposium!

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Stage Labs 1 & 2 – Trailer

We are happy and very proud to present you our Trailer! Franca Frey did a great Job! Thank you so much!

Link to the Trailer…

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„DisAbility on Stage“ on Tour

The Stage Lab Tour 2017


Zürich, Tanzhaus, IntegrART Symposium (Stage Lab 2)

Lugano, Teatro Foce, ORME Festival (Stage Lab 1+2)

Basel, Kaserne, Rosstall 1, Wildwuchs Festival (Stage Lab 1+2)

Bern, Akar Studio, BewegGrund. Das Festival (Stage Lab 1+2)

More presentations of the research project:

„DisAbility on Stage“ at the Swiss Theatre Encounter, LAC, Lugano

Colloque on „DisAbility on Stage“
Geneva, Théâtre du Galpon, Biennale Out of the Box

„Die geprobte Republik“ – Diskussion mit dem Regisseur und den Filmemacherinnen
Basel, Alte Universität, Wildwuchs Festival
in collaboration mit der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde

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Another Milestone

Another milestone of our research project has been reached!

Thanks to everyone who made this wonderful stage lab no. 2 in collaboration with the BA Contemporary Dance happen!

The pictures of this great experience are now on our Blog: Kickoff / Workshop / Premiere

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Pictures of our Stage Labs

We are happy to present you some pictures of our Stage Labs!

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IFTR Conference 2017

Call for Contributions


International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) Conference

Unstable Geographies: Multiple Theatricalities

University of São Paulo, The Department of Performing Arts, 10-14 July 2017

Deadline for abstracts: 5 February 2017

Deadline for presentations (pre-circulation): 15 May 2017

The Performance and Disability Working Group of the IFTR aims to have an international dialogue regarding disability and performance and to share scholarly work, including practice-led, and research-creation projects from around the world – traditions, and demonstrations of how diverse physical, sensorial, developmental, and psychological abilities manifest in all areas of performance. We are soliciting proposals from any area of performance studies that intersect with theories, cultures and questions of disability.

In response to the theme of the São Paulo conference in 2017, “Unstable Geographies, Multiple Theatricalities”, participants are invited to orient their contributions of any format towards the following description:

When it comes to rendering geographies unstable or multiplying the potentials of theatricality, a crucial role has been played by disability, and the broader – ‘dis’ states of the body, be it diseases, disorders, and dysfunctions. From the emergence of disability activism, arts and culture in the second half of the 20th century to the contemporary formations of disability arts communities, and scholarship within online, offline, and hybridized platforms, deterriorialization of cultures, and destabilization of borders have been central to the critical intersections of performance and disability. Within today’s massive migrations and displacements, on the one hand, and the stiffening of alarmist and marginalizing discourses, on the other, what lessons, legacies, aesthetic and everyday tactics can be drawn from disability cultures and scholarship in order to form new solidarities, and produce counter narratives? What can performance and disability tell us about what is it to be a human being, and to have a live worth living, especially in these times of ‘crises’?

Further, the globalization and delocalization in contemporary theater and dance practices as well as the dissolution of the traditional theatrical agents, such as space, the performer’s body etc., raise both aesthetic and political questions in view of disability cultures and performance. How and why do disability arts and cultures travel in a globalized world, and also – how might the dissolution of borders install new barriers for disabled artists while removing certain others? How and why does disability performance shift into hybrid spaces? As disabled performing artists take up fluid artistic formats (such as internet/virtual performances), how might these formats, and technologies challenge, dissolve or reinstate physical borders? What forms, meanings and manifestations can disability performance take within such continuous unmaking and remaking of geographies?

Possible presentation topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Geographies of disability and performance
  • Mobilities, immobilities, and differential mobilities
  • Dis-placement of bodies, abilities, selves and subjectivities
  • Unknown terrains, radical corporealities and choreographies
  • Disability cultures, borders, and migration
  • Disability, performance, and activism in the times of ‘crises’
  • Poverty, conflict, war and disability worlds
  • Disability and the global south
  • Shifting meanings of access, barriers, exclusion and inclusion
  • Internet, multi-media and virtual performances, and new renderings of disability
  • Hybrid spaces, fluid borders, and disability

How to apply

300-words abstracts for contributions of any format along with a short bio of 50 words should be submitted through the Cambridge Journals Online website by 5 February 2017: (If you are not able to meet the official deadline, please touch base with the co-conveners). You must be an IFTR member for 2017 in order to see the option to submit a contribution to the 2017 conference.

Please also send a copy of your abstract directly to the co-conveners:

– Yvonne Schmidt:

– Arseli Dokumaci:

Notice on acceptance will be given by 27 February 2017.

Group Format

Instead of reading out papers in São Paulo, the presentations will be circulated prior to the conference. In order to enable deeper discussions, the participants will be divided into groups of three to meet at beginning of conference and provide one-page responses to each other’s presentations (=2 responses per person). The presentation materials (papers, book chapters, or anything written no more than 6’000 words, or hybrid media formats, video, etc.) must be submitted by 15 May 2017.

The Working Group is planning on a meeting with local artists and disability communities in Sao Paolo, most likely on the weekend prior to the conference, as in previous years, in order to expand our global network. Further details will be announced by 27 February 2017.

For information about the general conference, fees, and accommodation, check the IFTR website!

If you have any questions about the Working Group, please contact the conveners:

– Yvonne Schmidt:

– Arseli Dokumaci:

Join the mailing list of the IFTR-FIRT Working Group!

You can find us also on Facebook [search for: IFTR Performance and Disability WG].

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IntegrART 2017 by Migros Kulturprozent

„DisAbility on Stage“ is part of IntegrART 2017 by Migros Kulturprozent, which features festivals in different parts of Switzerland. The informations are available in Italian, German, French, and English!

More informations about the two Stage Labs shown during the festivals!

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Events of 2017

Hi to everybody!

We are starting to update our events in 2017. Don’t miss checking the dates! Hope to see you soon!

Wish you all a happy new year!!!

©Anna Bausch – Stage Lab 1 (Verscio)

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Looking for Apartments during February/March 2017

We are looking for accessible apartments or any other affordable options in Zurich for two weeks and a weekend in February/March 2017. Any thoughts? // Wir sind auf der Suche nach barrierefreien Apartments resp. Unterkünften in Zürich für Februar/März 2017? Künstlerwohnungen etc. Hat jemand eine Idee? MERCI!

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Dettagli – Details

** Versione Italiana

„Dettagli“ – Un spettacolo nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca DisAbility on Stage a cura di Emanuel Rosenberg.

Venerdì, 18.11.2016 / alle ore 18:00 / Aula Grande / durata ca. 20 minuti

Seguirà per gli interessati una discussione aperta.

Il progetto di ricerca DisAbility on Stage – lanciato dall’Institute for the Performing Arts and Film della Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, finanziato dal Fondo Nazionale Svizzero per la Ricerca in collaborazione con la Accademia Teatro Dimitri e le Università di Basilea e Berna – costituisce la prima indagine esauriente sulle pratiche teatrali e di danza ideate, dirette e/o interpretate da artisti disabili nelle differenti regioni linguistiche del territorio elvetico. Grazie a una collaborazione con il corso di studi Master dell’Accademia Teatro Dimitri e con Emanuel Rosenberg di Teatro DanzAbile, nell’ambito di questo progetto alcuni studenti e un gruppo di attori disabili sono ora protagonisti di un laboratorio teatrale che permetterà di mettere alla prova della pratica le riflessioni di una ricerca teorica che, a sua volta, sarà stimolata a proseguire la propria strada alla luce degli spunti emersi dalla concreta esperienza artistica.

Per ulteriori informazioni…

Il laboratorio teatrale è finanziato dal Fondo Nzionale Svizzero, dalla Stiftung Corymbo e dalla Oertli-Stiftung.


** Englisch version

„Details“ – A performance within the research project DisAbility on Stage staged by Emanuel Rosenberg.

Friday, 18.11.2016 / at 6 pm / Aula Grande / duration ca. 20 minutes

After the performance there will be an open public discussion.

The research project DisAbility on Stage – framed by the Institute for the Performing Arts and Film (IPF) at Zurich University of the Arts, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation in collaboration with the Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Verscio, the Universities of Basel and Berne – is the first comprehensive survey of theatre and dance practices directed and/or performed by artists with disabilities in the different linguistic regions of Switzerland. Through a partnership between the master course of the Accademia Teatro Dimitri and Emanuel Rosenberg, director of Teatro DanzAbile, as part of this project some students and a group of disabled actors are now participants in a theatre workshop that will reflect on a combination of practical a theoretical research that, in turn, will be stimulated to continue their own way in the light of the ideas that emerge from the concrete artistic experience.

For more informations…

The theatre workshop is funded by the Swiss National Foundation, the Stiftung Corymbo and the Oertli-Stiftung.

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