mythos stories

how to tell stories through instagram stories?


by @g_raftopoulos / instagram


THOUGHTS 05.11.2018——-

Starting with the theatre company to explore greek mythology on instagram. Anyone who wants to join, please contact!


THOUGHTS 03.06.2018——-

about instagram stories

> insta stories expire after a day (24h)
> they are used by 250 million users worldwide everyday according to instagram in Aug 2017.
> they can be viewed on the smartphone via instagram app or via webbrowser
> similar to Snapchat’s My Story feature according to
> you can share a story with your insta friends by sending it to them via private message
> you can tag another insta account in your story and link it
> you can use multiple options to add to your story such as video, photo, boomerang (gif), stickers, drawings, icons etc.
> a story is 15 seconds long and can be paused by pressing on it
> a story can be screenshot
> stories can be deleted in the 24h time
> stories can be downloaded in the 24h time – but only by the producer!
> there is a possibility to go live with insta story (max. 1h)
> in going live there is also the option of sharing your live feed with an insta friend!
> insta friends can react to your story in 2 ways: respond via private message or
> with verified users (blue √) there is a function to „swipe up“ and add a website
> how many stories are possible? there is no exact number to be found (yet), but at least 20 are possible
> there is a poll function 

how to create an insta story: there a countless „insta coaches“…! like



storytelling via insta stories


> has someone done it before?

YES. examples!

> what kind of story could be told?

? what kind of narrative would be suitable to tell in insta stories? heist, comedy, tragedy, romance, ….?

? timewise: real-time stories?

> why instagram?

the benefits are:
√  you can tag other insta users, easily linked to other profiles and therefore other characters without explaining too much about their situation

√  the stories disappear after 24h and the users will be curious what comes next

√  it’s visible who watched the story; we will have close contact to the fans of our narrative

√  with the poll function we can make the narrative interactive. the insta community can decide for an insta character and may even change the pre-scripted story (maybe helen of troy would not go with paris…?)

√  with the „link in bio“ function there is a possibility to link to the background info of our insta story project and show followers our storyworld

√  instagram will get even bigger with facebook wanting to repair its reputation…




technical set up

¡   get smartphones

¡    get Splice, Videoshow, iMovie, Hyperlapse (or Microsoft Hyperlapse) and other integrated video editor app to edit videos or create stories

¡    get the instagram app on the phones (or access from one computer?)

¡    set up fake profiles on instagram for different users (your characters); is that possible, if yes, how


storyworld preparation

> get yourself a storyworld with characters that have a lot of rencontres with each other; think of stories and characters like in spanish telenovelas maybe
> insta stories is very direct, very close to the producer, it’s an intimate moment usually orsometimes a well prepared moment sold as a private moment


get inspired by pro’s

»»»» Jessie #1 «««« »»»» Jessie #2 ««««



get an expert in the field

field of technology: to be found

field of new media, experiences and storyliving: Stephanie Grubenmann

field of hellenic myths and characters: Vassilis Oikonomou

field of online theatre: Saladin Dellers and

field of (online) gaming: perhaps?


think about difficulties

> in what time do the stories take place? ancient hellenica or today? somewhere in the world – and with this also playing with the subject of globalization – or in today’s greek state ?

> how to be able to create stories with many different characters being live and creating stories all the time? where to get the actors?

> shoot with… phones? or cameras? shoot vertically?


think about solutions and possibilities

> put out the stories in a workshop with students, preferably theatre or new media students

> have the storyworld prepared with pro’s. then have a workshop week with interested users to „play“

> have one meta account that launches the first stories. set up this account way before launching the first story so there is already a community waiting for the start