Anja Klöck (EN)

Anja Klöck, PhD, is a Professor at the Acting Institute „Hans Otto“, University of Music and Theatre in Leipzig, Germany. She teaches scene studies/acting as well as acting theory and theatre history. She has researched and published on acting and media theories since the early modern times, historical avant-garde, theatre and acting in the East-West-conflict, theatre and politics, as well as contemporary theatre. A current research focus includes the scope of professional acting and digital transformations. Her research on acting training in Germany between 1945 and 1989/90 was funded by the German Research Association (DFG). She ist co-head of the working group „Acting Theories“ of the German Association of Theatre Research and co-founder of the network TiFLikA fostering an exchange among researchers and teachers in artistic training programs in the Performing Arts.

She studied Stage Directing, Drama and Theatre Studies at the Universities of Canterbury (UK), Munich (GER) and Minneapolis (USA) and received her PhD in Theatre Historiography with a thesis on “Technologies of Representation and the Women of Italian Futurist Theatre”. Independent artistic work in directing, performing, writing and dramaturgy.

Selection of relevant publications:

  • „IV.3.2 Schauspiel(en)“, in: Theater und Tanz. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2023, S. 625-338.
  • „Agitprop als Intervention?“, in: Brecht und das Theater der Interventionen. Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag (lfb Texte 17), 2023, S. 157-179.
  • „Spielräume professionellen Schauspielens.“ (hg. zus. m. W.-D. Ernst) = Sonderband FORUM MODERNES THEATER, 1/22.
  • „Technik von der Hand in den Mund? Geste, Gestus und gestisches Sprechen aus der Perspektive der Technikreflexion” in: Kathrin Dreckmann, Maren Butte, Elfi Vomberg (Hg.): Technologien des Performativen: Das Theater und seine Techniken. Bielefeld: transcript 2020, S. 215-222.
  • „Acting on the Cold War: Imperialist Strategies, Stanislavsky, and Brecht in German Actor Training after 1945”, in: Balme, Christopher/Szymansky-Düll, Berenika (Hg.): Theatre, Globalization and the Cold War. New York: Palgrave, 2017, S. 239-257.
  • „Kulturen des Hörens und Sprechens: Schauspielen und Hörspielen im Medienwandel der 1970er Jahre“, in: Ernst, Wolf-Dieter/ Niethammer, Nora/ Szymanski-Düll, Berenika/ Mungen, Anno (Hg.): Sound und Performance. Positionen, Methoden, Analysen. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann (Reihe Thurnauer Schriften Bd. 27), 2015, S. 175-189.
  • „Das Andere der anderen Szene: Schauspielausbildung und westdeutsche Fernsehdokumentation im Spannungsfeld Ost-West“, in: Diekmann, Stefanie (Hg.): Die andere Szene: Theaterarbeit und Theaterproben im Dokumentarfilm. Berlin: Theater der Zeit (Recherchen Bd. 91), 2014, S. 224-242.
  • „The Politics of Being on Stage: An Introduction”, in: Klöck, Anja (Hg.): The Politics of Being on Stage. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Olms, 2012, S. 7-24.
  • Heiße West- und kalte Ostschauspieler? Diskurse, Praxen, Geschichte(n) zur Schauspielausbildung in Deutschland nach 1945. Berlin: Theater der Zeit (Recherchen Bd. 62), 2008.
  • „Acting on the Media: the actor’s modes of being on stage in an age of technological mediation”, in: Performance Research: On Theatre 10.2 (2005), S. 114 – 126.

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