27./28. Feb. 2015: De-Privileging Art School
Colloquium no. 3
De-Privileging Art School: antisexist and antiracist methods, feminist, queer and postcolonial perspectives on knowledge production
Friday 27th and Saturday 28th February 2015
Haute école d’art et de design, HEAD – Geneva, Auditoire, Boulevard James Fazy 15, 1201 Geneva
Friday 27 February 2015, 6 pm – 8.15 pm, followed by a drink
The public twin-lecture held on Friday evening focuses on practices of (de-)privileging art schools and sheds light on research done on privilege and elitism from a critical feminist and postcolonial perspective.
Lecture 1: Fabienne Dumont (École Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne EESAB, Quimper)
Gender discrimination in French Art schools
This lecture will evoke the status of gender discrimination in art schools in France, from a few historical and current figures, accompanied by more qualitative analysis of the situation. This reflection will be accompanied by educational examples drawn from feminist history, especially the establishment of the Feminist Art Program in California, in order to invent solutions to fight against these discriminations.
Lecture 2: Evan Ifekoya & Rudy Loewe (performer, London)
Decolonising Art and Education through creative practice
Interdisciplinary artists Evan Ifekoya and Rudy Loewe will present individually on their artistic and facilitation practices, exploring anti racist and anti sexist methods utilising archives, contemporary culture and lived experience.
Samstag 28 February 9 am:
Workshop by Evan Ifekoya & Rudy Loewe
Public Displays of Accountability: Addressing Race in the Arts/curriculum
A zine making workshop and presentation exploring various decolonial arts/curriculum projects and accountability processes.
Round Table Moderators:
Lysianne Léchot, Professor, Dean of Studies, HEAD – Genève
Carmen Mörsch, Director, Institute of Art Education, ZHdK