IFTR Conference 2018 in Belgrad


International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) Conference 2018

Theatre and Migration. Theatre, Nation and Identity: Between Migration and Stasis

Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, 9-13 July 2017

*The Performance & Disability WG, which was founded in 2012, aims to
provide a venue for the sharing and dissemination of scholarly and artistic
work, and best practices from around the world, which explore how diverse
physical, sensorial, developmental and psychological abilities manifest
themselves in all areas of performance. The aims of our Work Group are to
create international dialogues, partnerships and networks at the crossovers
of disability and performance, and to provide a venue for the sharing and
dissemination of scholarly and artistic work, and best practices from
around the world – research and practices that explore how diverse
physical, sensorial, developmental and psychological abilities manifest
themselves in all areas of performance.*

We are happy to announce that the Working Group will present, among other very interesting papers and thoughts, our research film Sechs RegisseurInnen – Eine Republik within this year’s IFTR.

See you there!

Visit the IFTR homepage for more informations: https://www.iftr.org/

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