Laboratorio teatrale all‘ Accademia Teatro Dimitri


Dal 7 al 18 novembre 2016 il progetto di ricerca si confronta con la pratica in laboratorio teatrale presso l’Accademia Teatro Dimitri.

Grazie a una collaborazione con il corso di studi Master dell’Accademia Teatro Dimitri e con Emanuel Rosenberg di Teatro DanzAbile, infatti, alcuni studenti e un gruppo di attori disabili sono protagonisti di un laboratorio teatrale che permetterà di mettere alla prova della pratica le riflessioni di una ricerca teorica che, a sua volta, sarà stimolata a proseguire la propria strada alla luce degli spunti emersi dalla concreta esperienza artistica.

Per ulteriori informazioni…



From 7 to 18 of November our research project concentrate on an artistic stage lab at Accademia Teatro Dimitri.

This peculiar encounter between disability and theatre offers the possibility to apply a practice-based research, founded upon a dialogue between praxis and reflection: this dialogue, for our purpose, will take place during a two weeks workshop in Accademia Teatro Dimitri, involving disabled performers as well as Master program students, led by Emanuel Rosenberg, artistic director of Teatro DanzAbile.
The workshop aims at supplying a practical experience that is an expression of a general knowledge rooted in-the-body, as well as creating the conditions for an exchange of diverse bodies each with its own particular embodiment of experience or embodied-knowledge.
Our focus is to trigger a dialogue between practising and reflecting, and to develop ways of understanding that are able to highlight and return the complex richness of this encounter.

For more informations (in Italian)…

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Presentations available!

The presentations of our guests and speakers during the colloquium „Disability and Performer Training“ are now available under „Posts“!

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Some Impressions of our Colloquium „Disability and Performer Training“ (25 October 2016)

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Some Impressions of Our Research Retreat in Zurich











By Nele Jahnke, 17.10.2016

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GTW 2016 – „Theater als Kritik“

Vom 3. bis zum 6. November 2016 findet in Frankfurt und Giessen der 13. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Theaterwissenschaft (GTW) statt. Das Kongress-Programm mit dem Titel „Theater als Kritik“ besteht aus Plenarvorträgen zu acht Themenbereichen sowie performativen Formaten, Theaterbesuchen, Gesprächen und szenischen Beiträgen von Studierenden der Hessischen Theaterakademie (HTA).

Yvonne Schmidt und Sarah Marinucci werden den momentanen Stand ihrer Untersuchungen im Rahmen von „DisAbility on Stage“ präsentieren.

Alle weiteren Informationen sind hier zu finden…


Under the heading “Theatre as Critique”, the organisers of the 13th Congress of the Society for Theatre Studies invite researchers to examine theatre as a critical practice. At the heart of the debate, therefore, is not just the subject matter of theatre critique but rather critique itself. Plenary speeches and shorter contributions on 8 different subject areas will be complemented by performative formats, visits to the theatre, talks and scenic contributions from students of the Hessian Theatre Academy (HTA).

Yvonne Schmidt and Sarah Marinucci are going to present the current state of their research within „DisAbility on Stage“.

Visit the homepage for more informations.

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Disability and Performer Training – A colloquium

„The moment when we start having skilled disabled performers looking for work, they will start pushing the medium.“

(Pedro Madacho, Co-Artistic director, CandoCo Dance Company, UK)


As a kick-off event, the colloquium aims to lay the ground for the upcoming practice collaboration. The stage laboratory DisAbility on Stage at the Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Verscio and the Zurich University of the Arts will explore recent developments and visions for the future inclusion of disabled performers in the Dance and Performer Training at Swiss and other European Art Schools. Best Practice presentations, critical reflections, and reports based on own experiences will serve as a starting point for our discussion.

25 October 2016, 9:30-18:00 at the Departement of Performing Arts and Film, Gessnerallee 9-11, Probebühne 1 & Podium, 8001 Zurich

More informations…

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Moving Beyond Inclusion – Dialogue and debates on disability and arts with international guest speakers

Vom 9. bis 11. September findet im Rahmen des Internationalen Festivals für zeitgenössischen Tanz „Oriente Occidente – Dance Festival“ (Rovereto, IT) ein Plenum statt. Yvonne Schmidt und Susanne Schneider (Cie BewegGrund) wurden eingeladen, ihre Projekte vorzustellen.

While the importance and quality of inclusive dance is recognised today, opportunities for disabled artists to work and work with each other remain limited. This project is designed to provide a ground-breaking conHnuum from professional training to creating new work, through to showcasing work to audiences, ensuring change can be sustained rather than isolated.

Weitere Informationen sind sowohl auf den beiden Flyern (Esterno/Interno) als auch auf der Homepage zu finden.

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Premiere ausverkauft!

Die Premiere von Gianni Blumers Inszenierung DAS FESTESSEN DER NEUEN PRÄSIDENTIN VON HUNGER GAMES ist bereits ausverkauft!

Doch es gibt eine zweite Chance, Giannis Regiearbeit zu erleben!

Wann: Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2016 um 20:00

Wo: Fabriktheater der Roten Fabrik in Zürich

Tickets findet ihr unter starticket…

Veröffentlicht unter DAS FESTESSEN DER NEUEN PRÄSIDENTIN VON HUNGER GAMES, Freie Republik HORA | Schreib einen Kommentar


Die Premiere von ICH SAGE KEIN WORT ist bereits ausverkauft!

Aber keine Angst, jede/r hat eine zweite Chance!

Wann: Sonntag, 3. Juli 2016 um 20:00 / Wo: Im Fabriktheater der Roten Fabrik in Zürich

Tickets gibt’s auf starticket!

Veröffentlicht unter Freie Republik HORA, ICH SAGE KEIN WORT | Schreib einen Kommentar

Startschuss für die fünfte Regiewoche des Theater HORA

„Freie Republik HORA, Phase 3“ startet in die fünfte Runde. Matthias Brückers Inszenierung ICH SAGE KEIN WORT ist ein Overkill an Beziehungsdrama zu Heavy-Metal-, Italo-Pop-, Boygroup- und Love-Musik. Zorn, Lieb, Eifersucht und Sex zeigen, wie das Leben „so spielt“.

Premiere: Samstag, 4. Juni 2016 um 19:00 im Backstein der Roten Fabrik in Zürich

Hier geht es zu den Tickets


Veröffentlicht unter Freie Republik HORA, ICH SAGE KEIN WORT | Schreib einen Kommentar