Colloquium no. 4 Friday 24th April 2015, 18.00 at ZHdK Radical lectures delivered in less radical institutional settings tend to be opened by official welcome notes that are well-intended, but often boring or that even downplay the radical stance the…

18.03.2015, ZHdK: Hopes and Fears for Art: Policy and Practice in Widening Participation in Art and Design Higher Education in the UK Jackie McManus (University of the Arts, London) Jackie McManus’ evening lecture drew on one of the core references for Art.School.Differences: The study “Art for a Few:…
PUBLIC EVENING LECTURES Global Exclusion and Diversity: Reading Migration and Gender in Art Schools Friday 24 April 2015, 6 pm – 8.15 pm, followed by a drink The public twin-lecture hosted by Art.School.Differences interrogates diversity, gender and migration in the…

Colloquium no. 3: Friday 27th Februaryn2015, 18.00 at HEAD-Genève “Exception is a comfortable situation, allowing elasticity and singularity in our daily work, in our daily institutional management and in our world view.” Lysianne Léchot, dean of Studies at Geneva University…

Colloquium no. 3 De-Privileging Art School: antisexist and antiracist methods, feminist, queer and postcolonial perspectives on knowledge production Friday 27th and Saturday 28th February 2015 Haute école d’art et de design, HEAD – Geneva, Auditoire, Boulevard James Fazy 15, 1201 Geneva…
Jackie McManus (London) Hopes and Fears for Art: policy and practice in widening participation in art and design higher education in the UK In spite of considerable efforts to increase the social and ethnic diversity of higher education students in…
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