Illustration above by Futuress Diversity Issues (see also: here) — by Futuress and depatriarchise design Teaser: “Teachers and students voice their grievances around discrimination in Swiss design schools.

Black Artists and Cultural Workers in Switzerland: Open letter. https://blackartistsinswitzerland.noblogs.org/ Open letter by students of the ECAL: Full text in French, German and Italian version on tiny.cc/ecalopenletter Se also on the groups’ Instagram account “Dear Alexis Georgacopoulos, Dear course leaders,…

Developing including measures for candidates and students with migration experience and other non-normative backgrounds for the bachelor degree course Art Education at the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK In cooperation with Bachelor Art Education ZHdK (Peter Truniger) Data gathering…

The 2017 biennal PARSE conference on EXCLUSION tackled very current questions of inequality, neocoloniality and legitimacy as they are expressed and produced through culture and cultures of artistic education. November 15–17, 2017. Venue: Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts,…

Blog entry on Art.School.Differences: bit.ly/a_s_d; 31.10.2017 Paola De Martin, — “I really don‘t like words like ‘artist’, or ‘integrity’ or ‘courage’ or ‘nobility’. I have a kind of distrust of all these words, because I don’t really know what they…

THE NOTION OF «Good Design» AND ITS ROLE IN DESIGN EDUCATION Sarah Owens The workshop «Are You Good Enough?», held at the final Art.School.Differences Symposium (for the workshop description see PARCOURS) in November 2016, intended to galvanise questions and preliminary…

ART RELATED FEMINIST PRACTICES COLOURING SHEETS. Artists at Work from Talk to Action. How to Deviate from Normativities? Maëlle Cornut, Marie-Antoinette Chiarenza ZINE The ART RELATED FEMINIST PRACTICES COLOURING SHEETS resulted out of the Workshop offered at the Symposium (see…

Research Project WdKA makes a Difference WdK A makes a Difference is an action based research project interested in the possibilities of decolonial approaches within the Willem de Kooning Academy, which was conducted from January 2015 till December 2016. Principle…

How to Survive in the Swiss Art School Jungle? The daily micro-practices of discrimination of international students at art schools by Coko Nuts Collective (represented by Daniel Zea, Hyunji Lee, & Andrea Nucamendi) Inspired by several activist artists and collectives,…

The Art.School.Differences final report, the statements by the partnering schools, and the meta-statement by way of response by the International Advisory Board are available on final report and statements. Chapter 9 summarizes the conclusions (in German), and chapter 10 lists…

REPORT ON THE FINAL ART.SCHOOL.DIFFERENCES SYMPOSIUM by Nina Mühlemann* I attended the Symposium ‘Because it’s 2016! Challenging inclusion and exclusion at Swiss art schools’ as someone with a strong interest both in the performing arts and in disability inclusion. Growing…

ART.SCHOOL.DIFFERENCES: REPORT ON THE FINAL SYMPOSIUM by Quentin Delval* Arriving at the Toni Areal after a long day and a longish train ride, I wasn’t in top form when I entered the Hörsaal 1 around 7:15pm. But the setting instantly…

We would like to draw your attention to a publication Surviving Art School. An Artist of Colour Tool Kit created by Collective Creativity, which came out of a workshop and lecture at Nottingham Contemporary; discussing race and politics in art…

A Symposium by Art.School.Differences Venue: Toni Areal, Zürich on 11 & 12. November 2016 Times: FRI 14-21.15h; SAT 9-18.15h Please register (free admission): a_s_d.eventbrite.com and indicate if you need special accommodation A year ago, when asked “why it is so…

“The moment when we start having skilled disabled performers lokking for work, they will start pushing the medium.” (Pedro Madacho, Co-Artistic director, CandoCo Dance Company, UK) With a critical comment provided by Art.School.Differences in the plenary afternoon-discussion. Flyer

SAVE THE DATE: November 11/12.2016 at the Toni Areal, ZHdK, Zürich Join us for a final symposium by Art.School.Differences → Find out about the main findings of the research → Listen to keynotes by Nana Adusei-Poku (Rotterdam), Cornelia Bartsch (Hamburg),…

HEAD Projects How to survive in the Swiss art school jungle The project of Daniel Zea, Hyunji Lee and Andrea Nucamendi is concerned with the inequalities faced by non-European students at Swiss art schools. The research group that understands itself…

Colloquium no. 5; Friday 3rd July 2015, 18.00 at HEAD – Genève The assumption that everybody is physically and mentally fit, efficient and productive is so much at the heart of higher education that ableism is often times not considered when…

Friday, 3rd of July 2015 18.00h Xavier Bouvier, Haute École de Musique (HEM) Welcoming and introductory remarks 18.15h – 19.45h Sébastien Kessler: Le freak, c’est chic In his talk, Sébastien Kessler – “survivor of eugenics” or “opportunistic slacker” – embraces…

Colloquium no. 4 Friday 24th April 2015, 18.00 at ZHdK Radical lectures delivered in less radical institutional settings tend to be opened by official welcome notes that are well-intended, but often boring or that even downplay the radical stance the…

18.03.2015, ZHdK: Hopes and Fears for Art: Policy and Practice in Widening Participation in Art and Design Higher Education in the UK Jackie McManus (University of the Arts, London) Jackie McManus’ evening lecture drew on one of the core references for Art.School.Differences: The study “Art for a Few:…
PUBLIC EVENING LECTURES Global Exclusion and Diversity: Reading Migration and Gender in Art Schools Friday 24 April 2015, 6 pm – 8.15 pm, followed by a drink The public twin-lecture hosted by Art.School.Differences interrogates diversity, gender and migration in the…

Colloquium no. 3: Friday 27th Februaryn2015, 18.00 at HEAD-Genève “Exception is a comfortable situation, allowing elasticity and singularity in our daily work, in our daily institutional management and in our world view.” Lysianne Léchot, dean of Studies at Geneva University…

Colloquium no. 3 De-Privileging Art School: antisexist and antiracist methods, feminist, queer and postcolonial perspectives on knowledge production Friday 27th and Saturday 28th February 2015 Haute école d’art et de design, HEAD – Geneva, Auditoire, Boulevard James Fazy 15, 1201 Geneva…
Jackie McManus (London) Hopes and Fears for Art: policy and practice in widening participation in art and design higher education in the UK In spite of considerable efforts to increase the social and ethnic diversity of higher education students in…
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