Art.School.Differences final report and statements
Der Schlussbericht Art.School.Differences, die Stellungnahmen der Partner-Hochschulen und die Meta-Stellungnahme des Internationalen Beirates sind unter Schlussbericht und Stellungnahmen abrufbar. Das Kapitel 9 fasst die Schlussfolgerungen zusammen, das Kapitel 10 beinhaltet die identifizierten Handlunsgfelder für eine inlusivere Kunsthochschule.
Disability inclusion
REPORT ON THE FINAL ART.SCHOOL.DIFFERENCES SYMPOSIUM by Nina Mühlemann* I attended the Symposium ‘Because it’s 2016! Challenging inclusion and exclusion at Swiss art schools’ as someone with a strong interest both in the performing arts and in disability inclusion. Growing…
Art.School.Differences und die aesthetische Urteilskraft
BERICHT ZUM ART.SCHOOL.DIFFERENCES-ABSCHLUSSSYMPOSIUM ‚BECAUSE IT’S 2016‘ von Karin Hostettler* Art.School.Differences verfolgte ein ambitioniertes Projekt: Im Zentrum stand die Studie, in deren Abschlussbericht deutlich wird, welche Prozesse von Inklusion und Exklusion an Schweizer Kunsthochschulen am Wirken sind. Dem Ansatz der partizipativen…
REPORT ON THE FINAL SYMPOSIUM ART.SCHOOL.DIFFERENCES by Quentin Delval* Arriving at the Toni Areal after a long day and a longish train ride, I wasn’t in top form when I entered the Hörsaal 1 around 7:15pm. But the setting instantly…
Surviving Art School. An Artist of Colour Tool Kit
We would like to draw your attention to a publication Surviving Art School. An Artist of Colour Tool Kit created by Collective Creativity, which came out of a workshop and lecture at Nottingham Contemporary; discussing race and politics in art…
Because it’s 2016! Challenging inclusion and exclusion at Swiss art schools
A Symposium by Art.School.Differences Venue: Toni Areal, Zürich on 11 & 12. November 2016 Times: FRI 14-21.15h; SAT 9-18.15h Please register (free admission): and indicate if you need special accommodation A year ago, when asked “why it is so…
Disability and Performer Training – a colloquium, Tuesday 25th of october
„The moment when we start having skilled disabled performers lokking for work, they will start pushing the medium.“ (Pedro Madacho, Co-Artistic director, CandoCo Dance Company, UK) With a critical comment provided by Art.School.Differences in the plenary afternoon-discussion. Flyer