Art.School.Differences final report and statements
Le rapport final Art.School.Differences, les prises de positions des écoles partenaires et la meta-prise de position à leur sujet du comité scientifique international sont en ligne sous rapport final et prises de position. Le chapitre 9 synthétise les conclusions, chapitre…
Disability inclusion
REPORT ON THE FINAL ART.SCHOOL.DIFFERENCES SYMPOSIUM by Nina Mühlemann* I attended the Symposium ‘Because it’s 2016! Challenging inclusion and exclusion at Swiss art schools’ as someone with a strong interest both in the performing arts and in disability inclusion. Growing…
Art.School.Differences und die aesthetische Urteilskraft
Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Deutsch.
ART.SCHOOL.DIFFERENCES: REPORT ON THE FINAL SYMPOSIUM by Quentin Delval* Arriving at the Toni Areal after a long day and a longish train ride, I wasn’t in top form when I entered the Hörsaal 1 around 7:15pm. But the setting instantly…
Surviving Art School. An Artist of Colour Tool Kit
We would like to draw your attention to a publication Surviving Art School. An Artist of Colour Tool Kit created by Collective Creativity, which came out of a workshop and lecture at Nottingham Contemporary; discussing race and politics in art…
Because it’s 2016! Challenging inclusion and exclusion at Swiss art schools
A Symposium by Art.School.Differences Venue: Toni Areal, Zürich on 11 & 12. November 2016 Times: FRI 14-21.15h; SAT 9-18.15h Please register (free admission): and indicate if you need special accommodation A year ago, when asked “why it is so…
Disability and Performer Training – a colloquium, Tuesday 25th of october
“The moment when we start having skilled disabled performers lokking for work, they will start pushing the medium.” (Pedro Madacho, Co-Artistic director, CandoCo Dance Company, UK) With a critical comment provided by Art.School.Differences in the plenary afternoon-discussion. Flyer